Ocarina − manual page for Ocarina 2.0w (Working Copy from )



ocarina [options] files OR ocarina −help

files are a non null sequence of AADL files

General purpose options:


Output Ocarina version, then exit


Output Ocarina search directory, then exit

Scenario file options:


Generate and build code from the AADL model


Clean code generated from the AADL model

−ec Execute the generated application code and

retrieve coverage information

−er Execute the generated application code and

verify that there is no regression


Only parse and instantiate the application model


Only perform schedulability analysis

Advanced user options:


Debug mode for developpers


Quiet mode (default)


[script] Run Ocarina in terminal interactive mode. If a script is given, interpret it then exit.


Verbose mode for users


Parse AADL file as an AADL scenario file


Automatically load AADL files on demand


Parse predefined non standard property sets


Instantiate the AADL model


<name> The name of the instance tree root


Specify output file


Specify the inclusion paths


Use AADL v1 standard (default)


Use AADL v2 standard

−real_lib Add a REAL file to be used as a theorem library by REAL annexes

−real_theorem <theorem> Evaluate only theorem

−real_continue_eval Continue evaluation in case of failures


Generate code from the AADL instance tree Registered backends:

arinc653_conf petri_nets boundt mast polyorb_hi_ada polyorb_hi_c polyorb_hi_rtsj pok_c xtratum_configuration stats subprograms real_theorem carts asn1_deployment cheddar connection_matrix function_matrix aadl_xml aadl aadl_min aadl_annex behavior_specification real_specification


Enable profiling with gprof (PolyORB−HI−C only)


Generate ASN1 deployment file (PolyORB−HI−C only)


Generate code for ARINC653 API (POK backend only)


Generate and build code from the AADL model


Clean code generated from the AADL model


Desactive one or all annexes

Annexes :

all behavior real

Build date: Saturday 20 April 2013, 16:54:47 Copyright © 2003−2009 Telecom ParisTech, 2010−2013 ESA & ISAE


The full documentation for Ocarina is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and Ocarina programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info Ocarina

should give you access to the complete manual.